
Turning is an engineering machining process, in which a cutting tool, typically a non-rotary tool bit, describes a helical toolpath by moving more or less linearly, while the work piece rotates. Usually, the term "turning" is reserved for the generation of external surfaces by this cutting action, whereas this same essential cutting action when applied to internal surfaces (that is, holes, of one kind or another) is called "boring".

Turning can be done manually, in a traditional form of lathe, which frequently requires continuous supervision by the operator, or by using an automated lathe which does not.

We are able to offer a wide range of turning services, from small, individual components to large scale, batch production, using our Copy Turning Facilities.

Examples include:

  • Complex pump shafts and components
  • Lead screws, nuts, bushes, rolls, etc

We can deal with a maximum diameter of 375mm and 3000mm lengths, on the IM63s and 500mm diameter and 1600mm lengths on the Swift.

All machines are fitted with Digital Read Out and are loaded by a 5 tonne crane.

Please Contact Us if you have any requirements or require further information about the range of services available.


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